
Posted on January 17, 2019

About Katie

I am inspired by a lot of different things…

I am a lover of (nerd for) the natural environment and biology in general, I believe this passion drives a lot of my own interpretation of my works. I envision a lot of my works as though it is something the audience is viewing through a microscope, something like the cells of a leaf or the grainy nature/texture of bark, or the visual affect of waves rolling, but very much so up close; it evokes a feeling of a story, or an event and allows the audience to be part of that (leaving that storyline up for interpretation). 

Vibrant vibes

In the complete opposite way I think a lot of my paintings are a visual representation of color in general, bright and vibrant and free flowing. I am very drawn to the brightness and vibrance of neon colors. The manufactured color palette is something that brings lots of feelings and lots of joy to my work. As of late, I have been matching these colors and the free flowing nature of the paint pour with the rigidness of simple geometric shapes and linear patterns, the contrast is so interesting to me.

A life of it’s own

As a testament to being a perfectionist and semi-control freak in my past in terms of my studies, grades in school and work in general, my work shows growth from this mindset. In the paint pouring world there are some aspects of control and there are equal amount of aspects of just letting the paint “do its thing” so to speak. To parallel this technique, as I was finding my medium and searching for what truly inspired me, interested me and drove me, I realized that life is like paint pouring, some aspects you can control and others you simply need to leave up to the universe to decide for you. It is succumbing to the natural flow of gravity and existence matched with adding elements of knowledge from experience to be able to understand the concept of letting go. This way of painting has shown me that no matter how and what happens and allowing yourself to let go, the product will end up beautiful no matter what. 

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I’m looking forward to making my existing art available to purchase through this website and working on it now! 

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