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Recent Color Studies

Posted in Experiments, Painting
on April 3, 2019

I wanted to write about some things I have been doing as of late; 


I have been working on some pieces that I have titled “Color Study{1 and 2}”;

using these pieces as a vector to study and understand different techniques (visual representations of pulling, mixing and spreading paint using different sized palette knives, utilization of different size and shaped brushes and color matching and grouping as well as understanding different color relationships). Let me back up a little bit here……The whole idea behind working on the color studies stemmed from a rather expressionistic style painting I created a few weeks ago. I had a dream about a multi-tubular (and no, not the slang meaning for tubular, although I did think it was pretty cool) object as well as another object that resembled a simplified crown type thing.

So, I started with some base colors, and some different brush techniques, then as the paint dried, I continued to add layers of different colors while utilizing other techniques with a palette knife. I created my two objects and was just really letting my creative intuitions flow through my brain and onto the canvas. This was the first time in a while that I felt the high of intuition through art, and boy did it feel good!! As I neared the finished product I started absolutely hating what I had created, I almost wanted to just start over…..thank god I didn’t. I asked a friend what she thought of the piece and she said “You are all over the place today huh?” in a joking way and I completely agreed with her. I told her I hated it and our conversation faded into a different direction, I put the piece to the side and went to start a fresh canvas. Later that day I walked over to the gallery space (if you haven’t visited my space 1) you should and 2) you won’t understand what I mean, my studio abuts our gallery space) to throw up a few paintings to show the dynamic nature of the space. I put the painting on the wall and holy moly, it happened, I loved this painting…

…so in short, in the following weeks I felt the urge to experiment more. I was inspired by another artist to do a color study just to learn more about what I am using and not using. Needless to say this has been super fun and interesting, while also providing a lot of insight in color schematics, using colors that aren’t my go-to’s. Interestingly enough (viewing both of the color studies as cohesive pieces) the response from my online audience has been surprisingly positive. I have really enjoyed making these pieces and am going to continue to make more.

Call Katie